
Submit You Application For Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society (GHSS) Life Membership

           Note: *** You Must Be 65 and Over to Apply ***

    Members Waiver & Release Agreement

    I/We ,the Submitter of this form , for myself, my dependents, heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby release,
    discharge and hold completely harmless the Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society, Vancouver, B.C. Canada (hereafter called the “SOCIETY”)
    and their respective directors, officers and volunteers (collectively called the “ORGANIZERS”),from any and all actions, claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages or causes of action arising out of or in consequence of any loss, injury or damage to my person or property, including any expenses of any kind, resulting from my participation
    in or attendance at any event, activity or functions organized by the Society or it’s Organizers, whether arising by reason of the negligence of the Organizers or
    attendance at any event, activity or functions organized by the Society or it’s Organizers, whether arising by reason of the negligence of the Organizers or otherwise.
    Furthermore, I authorize the society to use my email and WhatsApp number to communicate society information to me.