Welcome To The Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society of BC (GHSS)

Our Local Community for Gujarati Hindu Seniors in BC

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Message from Shri Chandrakant Ladva regarding Navratri Event.

Dear Friends
Jai Shree Krishna,
I wish to sit down and have a heart-to-heart conversation with you regarding our Seniors’
Society. Sometimes a personal touch is needed.
First, I wish to say congratulations to you. Our Seniors’ Society is 30 years old, is in great
health and progressing well. We have over 600 members which is an amazing
I remember the days when a few seniors met on one late afternoon at the Mandir over to to
form a society to cater for seniors in our community. Those pioneers laid the foundation,
and the Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society was registered. The first dinner was at the Mandir
and over one hundred people, seniors attended. A nominal charge of $5 was asked to
attend the Bhajans and Bhojan while membership was $15. The society was for members
From these humble beginnings and with prudent care of donations, the society flourished
and now we are celebrating over 30 years. Over the years we jointlly shared, celebrated
and enjoyed bhojans, bhajans, picnics, cultural shows, Diwali, Navratri celebrations and
many other social functions. Thank you to those dedicated members of the society who
have wholehearted served year after year.
The current board is no exception. These find board members are guardians of our society
and have proven to effectively manage each function with integrity.
Like the previous boards, our board sat down this year summer to discuss the forthcoming
Navratri event. As every family faces the rising cost in today’s living expenses, our society
is no diVerent and face significant cost increases.
Up until last year, our Navratri function was free to the members of the Society and their
immediate families. We enjoyed seeing our members and their families gather, celebrate
together and share in our community.
Again, the board looks eagerly forward to sharing the community and family spirits as we
celebrate Navratri for another year.
This year, the Navratri function will cost more than $12,000. The board faces a diVicult
Should the society bear all the cost so its members and their families can attend for
Should our members and their families share some of the cost and have the society
to bear the balance of cost.
The board held very extensive discussions; we examined every aspect; explored the pros
and cons; how the society will feel and that most members expect all events to be free.
A free vote was taken within the board and the board decided that it was in the best in
interest for the longevity of the society that for the 2024 Navratri celebrations, members
and their families will share a nominal cost.
Seniors will pay $15 to attend while family members over the age of 10 will pay $25. This
represents more than a 50% absorption by the society for seniors and 20% absorption by
the society for family members.
We have heard from members that the society has an abundant of financial resources to
fund these events. Unfortunately, our donations over the past several years have declined
and there have been fewer large donors in recent years. As well, the society has no
sponsors to support this event as in other functions held.
Our society must continue for a long time and care must be taken to guard our funds for
future programs, sustainability and our future members.
This winter, the board is planning a free lunch event including a get together, games and
I trust that our members will understand, appreciate and gladly join us with their families
on Navratri with joy and enthusiasm.
Dear friend, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the board’s decision, please
call me directly at 604-726-3378. I am ready to hear your views.
Thank you for your continued support of the Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society.
Jai Shree Krishna,
Chandra Ladva

Navratri Event 6th October

Dear Members 

જય શ્રીકૃષ્ણ 
Hope everyone had a fantastic summer with two picnics at Peace Arch provincial Park. Our next event is Bhajan and Bhojan at Hindu Temple Burnaby on Sep 21st 2024. You will receive the message regarding that in early September. 
We want to provide details about our Navratri event. 
Date and time  Sunday, October 6th 2024 starting at 2:00 pm. 
Venue : South Hall Wedding and Banquet Hall    8273 Ross Street,  Vancouver, BC
Please join us to celebrate Navratri : a festival of Shakti and Bhakti. Garba from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.  
6:15 pm Announcements and Aarati  
There will be full dinner after the aarati around 7 pm. 
As you all are aware, Navratri event is for our members and their immediate family only (son/daughter, their spouses and children). This year the board has decided to share the cost of the event with you. Please see the letter below from our president Shri Chandubhai Ladva. GHSS members $15 each, Son/daughter and spouses and grandchildren over 10 years of age $25 each, children under 10 are free. This is one event we all can enjoy with family, so please bring your children and grandchildren to this event. We have extended the registration date to Saturday, Sep 21st 2024. Please register by using the form below. You will also be able to make payment on Saturday, Sep 21st 2024 at our function at Hindu Temple Burnaby.  

Purchase Your Navratri Tickets Below - Scan And Pay

Navratri Event Venue - South Hall - 8273 Ross Street Vancouver

Bhajan and Bhojan at Hindu Temple Burnaby - 21st September

Bhajan and Bhojan at Hindu Temple Burnaby –  Register Here

Dear Members 

જય શ્રીકૃષ્ણ 
Society has organised bhajan and bhojan event on Saturday, Sep 21st 2024 at Hindu temple Burnaby. Details are given below.
Venue : Hindu Temple Burnaby
Date : Sep 21st 2024   Main Prayer Hall 
Time : 330 – 400 pm Get together and bhajan singing by our society members. 
400 – 530 pm We have invited a special Bhajan Mandali group to sing bhajans. Please join us to enjoy this divine singing. 
530 – 600 pm Announcement from the society 
600 aarati and Priti Bhojan  afterwards. 
Society is grateful to all our donors who are donating generously to carry out different activities of the society. Anyone interested in sponsoring this event can contact Shrimati Jasuben Mistry @ 604-.327-8644
Please register for this event by Sep 16th by clicking on the registration button below. There is a QR code on the registration form, if you wish to make a donation. 

Recent Past Events Aug 4th 2024 Picnic

What We Provide To Our Members

If you are 65 and over we welcome your membership. The cost is $150 CAD per person and  you can join by filling in the online registration form below.

We will respond  asap and activate you membership, on approval of the  registration


Make a Donation to GHSS

If you wish  to make a donation to the Gujarati Hindu Seniors Society,, please  click the button below for instructions. 

Thanks in advance for your generosity.

Make A Donation - Scan and Pay - Receipt will be Issued

Join Our GHSS WhatsAPP Group      For GHSS members only. 

Join Our GHSS WhatsApp Group and stay in touch on your mobile Phone. 

Scan the QR Code or click the Green Button to Join.


Note: You will need to be approved by Admin.

For GHSS Members Only

Hindu Temple Location – 5420 Marine Drive , Burnaby V5J 3G8

A venue for many of our religious events


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